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As of the week commencing Monday 12 October 2020, the government has introduced new restrictions and guidance following a surge in new cases of Coronavirus (COVID-19) infections in the England.

At this time, our current position and plans are to support those in the wider community. Safe care has never been more paramount to those who require it, which is why we continue to prioritise the health and safety of all our clients and staff at all times, whilst assisting the wider communities we serve as much as possible.

Our main goal throughout the pandemic has been to ensure that all our clients remain as safe as possible in their own homes. Our Leadership team continue to communicate and follow the latest government advice and guidance, whilst ensuring that our policies and procedures are reflective of this. This includes ensuring all our care staff have the appropriate and sufficient provision of personal protective equipment (PPE) specific to the care and support that they deliver.

Prestige Nursing & Care are committed and continue with the following:

  • Continuity of care and support for both new and existing clients
  • Providing comprehensive training to our staff to ensure they are competent in all areas of care delivery.
  • Care teams are provided with the required PPE for every task they carry out at every visit in line with the government guidelines
  • Our Service delivery continues to range from companionship through to a wide range of complex care, for both adults and children
  • Review of care plans and client assessments continue by appropriately trained staff
  • Branches continue to operate a 24/7 emergency on call service for our clients and staff
  • Registered Nurse support both in branch and from our Clinical Governance team
  • Continuous review and communication of the latest government guidelines to ensure compliance and safety
  • Clinical supervisions and competencies are being completed in line with our regulator’s requirements

We recognise the challenges being faced by all care professionals at this time but hope the above information reconfirms that we are continuing to deliver support to those who require it, in a safe and caring manner.

We are here to take your call and will provide impartial support and guidance – contact our friendly care experts today to discuss your care needs.

0808 239 1525


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