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Exercise for the Elderly

Exercise for the Elderly

Exercise for the Elderly: an essential tool for the elderly and how to avoid slowing down in old age

There is no doubt that physical exercise can be of great benefit whatever age you may be. But it plays an essential part in enhancing the life of an older person simply because we all tend to get more sedentary as we age. This is usually due to the fact that our bodies are winding down – we start complaining of joint pain and muscles not quite doing what we think they should do. It takes more effort to do simple tasks around the house and when we do, the potential for aches and pains may tell us we probably should never have done them in the first place!

Statistics show exercise slows down the ageing process

We can be misled by our overall expectation that the slowing down of physical activity is a natural progression as we age and that it might be best to keep away from heavy exercise and just be happy with ‘pottering about’. The fact is, mind and body will deteriorate quickly ifnot enough exercise is done on a regular basis. There is also clear evidence according to the NHS that those who are more active are less likely to suffer from heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, some cancers, depression and dementia.

Time to get your elderly loved one healthy, motivated and social…

It is never too late. The great news is you can build exercise into your loved one’s routine and move towards a healthier lifestyle for both mind and body. Even gentle regular exercise will naturally build muscular strength; enhance motor skills and physical agility.

Being more physically active where possible can motivate your loved one to want to do more and can also make them more interested in activities that have a more social element. Consequently as they get out and about, their social life and independence can improve and no doubt their confidence and self-esteem as well.

Activity Groups in Worthing and West Sussex

There are great local activity groups around Worthing and surrounding areas to help your loved one get going, and ones that take into account all different age groups and abilities. Don’t worry what stage your loved one may be at, the exercises can be done seated or standing.

Just 10 minutes of exercise a day can get your loved one started. Check with their GP before starting and build up slowly – at a rate they can feel at ease and happy with. We think that a small 10-minute sacrifice a day will soon become something they look forward to and perhaps even lead to a springboard for a new lease on life!

Are you looking for advice on home care services to help care for an elderly or a dependent loved one?

At Prestige Nursing & Care, our expertise is in home care for the elderly and we enable our clients to stay happy and independent at home. Trust in our consistent, high quality home care services for older people and other adults. We can help guide you through the decision process, access our guide to care options. For one-to-one advice, ring us on 0808 239 1525.

We are here to take your call and will provide impartial support and guidance – contact our friendly care experts today to discuss your care needs.

0808 239 1525


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