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What is dignity in care?

Dignity is a fundamental human right and it’s a long-established core principle of the health and social care sector. 

Dignity in care means providing care that supports the self-respect of a person. It involves recognising the capacities and ambitions of the people receiving support and not engaging in behaviours that undermine them. This can include respecting people’s privacy, treating them as equals and ensuring they have the support they need to live with choice and independence.

Respect and dignity are at the heart of the home care services we provide. For over 75 years, Prestige Nursing & Care has provided high-quality and bespoke home care that empowers people to continue living independently at home with dignity and choice, for all of life. 

As one of the UK’s leading providers of home care, we believe it is our responsibility to prioritise the well-being of our clients and this includes always treating them with the utmost dignity and respect. We recognise that if people feel they are not being treated with dignity, it can negatively impact their confidence and prevent them from fully enjoying the benefits of a home care service. 

How Our Carers Promote Dignity and Respect in Care

Many aspects of daily life provide opportunities to promote dignity and encourage confidence and self-esteem. Here are some examples of how our experienced and dedicated carers promote the dignity of the people we support. 

Encouraging Choice and Decision-making 

Allowing people to make their own daily choices is fundamental to them living an independent life where they feel valued and respected. Denying a person their right to self-expression can not only make them feel undervalued but can also be harmful to their dignity and self-worth. 

Our carers are there to empower people to live life their own way and that includes allowing them to make as many decisions for themselves as they are willing and able to. We know that seemingly small decisions like allowing people to choose their own clothing or when they would like to eat empowers the people we care for and encourages confidence and independence. 

We also ensure our clients are informed about the care process so that they can make proactive decisions about their own care. This could include making decisions about their dietary requirements, their medications or their care team. People appreciate being included and making decisions about their own care allows people to feel that their opinions and preferences are recognised and important. 

Respectful Communication

Thoughtful and respectful communication is important for promoting dignity and building trust between carers and the people they support. We take time to get to know our clients and listen to their needs. Our carers know that by listening to what our clients have to say and by being respectful of their opinions, needs and wants, a relationship built on mutual respect and trust can be established. 

When providing care for older people, it is especially important to know how they would like to be addressed. Our carers know to never make assumptions even if they may seem polite as this can be harmful to a person’s sense of identity. Similarly, our carers are never patronising and communicate with each of their clients in a tone that is amiable and respectful. 

Providing Good Food and Nutritional Care

For many people, mealtimes are a highlight of their day. We take extra care to provide meals and snacks that are visually appealing and tasty so that mealtimes are a source of comfort and joy. 

Our carers involve their clients in every aspect of the meal-planning process. This includes enquiring about their preferences, favourite meals and dietary requirements. If our clients need extra assistance at mealtimes, our carers always provide support in a dignified manner. 

To enjoy a fulfilling and purposeful life, we know that our clients need nutritionally-balanced meals and proper hydration. Our carers are trained to look out for the signs of malnutrition and dehydration so that they can look after the well-being and safety of the people they support. 

Recognising Pain and Supporting Pain Management

The way we handle pain differs greatly from person to person. Despite being at an increased risk of experiencing pain, some people feel as if they are burdening others when they discuss their pain or ask for medication. For others living with dementia or learning disabilities, it may be challenging for them to communicate the pain or discomfort they are feeling. 

Our carers are trained to communicate effectively and spot the non-verbal signs that someone may be in pain or discomfort. Our trainers also receive training in medication management and can work with our clients and their medical teams to manage pain symptoms. 


Maintaining our client’s privacy is of the utmost importance for our carers. Our carers provide care and support that always respects a client’s home and belongings. This includes always knocking before entering a room and asking permission before doing something. 

Promoting dignity also means respecting a client’s personal information. Our carers never share personal information with anyone other than a client’s care team or other medical professionals, when appropriate. This allows our carers to build a rapport with their clients based on mutual trust and makes the experience more enjoyable for all involved. 

Assisting with Personal Care and Hygiene

For many people, their personal care routines are integral to their confidence and self-esteem. When promoting dignity, it is important to support people’s choices and preferences when it comes to their personal care or appearance. 

We recognise that personal care can be a delicate subject for many of our clients. Our carers are trained to provide discreet and sensitive personal care that always maintains a client’s dignity and respect. 

Our carers always ask for consent before assisting with any personal care routines and always communicate exactly what they are doing to promote involvement. We work with our clients to build a care plan that meets their personal care needs in a way that is comfortable for them. 

Social inclusion

Being part of a community helps people feel included and in turn, helps to bolster their dignity and well-being. We recognise that mobility or frailty concerns can sometimes make it difficult for our clients to get out alone, which can lead to feelings of loneliness or isolation.

Companionship is at the forefront of everything we do. Our carers support our clients not just with their physical needs but also their emotional and psychological well-being. This includes helping our clients to maintain relationships and social relations, encouraging hobbies and facilitating trips into the community. 

We know that when our clients feel connected to the things they care about in their local community, it leads to an enriched and enjoyable life.  

Expert Home Care, For All of Life 

Prestige Nursing & Care provides high-quality, personalised and expert home care services for every stage of life. Our care is focused on improving health and overall well-being – all in the safety and comfort of the place people love most, their own home.

We know how important it is for people to have a carer that truly understands their needs. This includes not just their practical and physical needs, but their emotional and psychological well-being too. 

We take time to match each of our clients with a carer that is trained to support not just their needs but is also aligned with how they wish to live their life. We know this makes life more enjoyable for our clients and provides much-needed peace of mind for their families. 

Do not hesitate to contact our friendly team to find out why our clients choose Prestige Nursing & Care for a high-quality, responsive home care service.

We are here to take your call and will provide impartial support and guidance – contact our friendly care experts today to discuss your care needs.

0808 239 1525


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