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A day in the life of a care worker

At Prestige Nursing & Care, our care workers have a range of different roles and responsibilities. Some of our care workers provide 24-hour care, whereas some will pop into a client’s house to prepare dinner or even just have a chat. It’s one of the great things about the job – every day is different!

However, here is what a ‘typical’ day could look like for one of our trained care workers who visit numerous clients on a daily basis.

Early Start for First Client

Care workers often start their day early. A typical day might start by providing an early wake-up call for a client with a cup of their favourite coffee. Some clients may require assistance getting out of bed or moving safely around their homes. Carers are specially trained in safe handling techniques to ensure they can help their clients safely mobilise around their homes.

Bathing and dressing are other common morning activities for care workers to help with. This could include providing discreet and sensitive assistance with bathing, grooming or toileting. By providing these services, a carer helps clients to look and feel as good as possible when starting the day.

Prepare Breakfast

A care worker may then help to cook breakfast for the client or they may move on to their next client’s home to do some other tasks. This is often a good time to enjoy a chat and catch up on the latest news. Our service places a heavy emphasis on companionship, and many of our clients appreciate being able to talk to someone regularly. Some may have no family members or friends living nearby, and a simple chat can make all the difference to their day.

Next Up, Housework

On the next visit, a care worker may take the opportunity to do some basic housework for the client. Housework is often something that older people or people living with disabilities may not be able to do regularly for themselves. Even something as simple as vacuuming the living room, making the bed or washing the dishes can make a huge difference to a client’s day.

Lunch and a Chat

A care worker may then help another client to prepare lunch. Care workers often prepare wholesome meals to help clients who are unable to prepare food themselves. These meals are always cooked according to the client’s tastes and dietary requirements.

If a client requires assistance eating their meal, a carer can provide this support in a way that always maintains the client’s dignity and respect. This includes respecting a client’s privacy as to whether they would like to eat alone or would enjoy some company.

In addition to preparing lunch, dinner or snacks, a care worker may help the client to carry out their shopping by visiting the local supermarket.

Afternoon Activity

During the afternoon, a care worker may help a client with a simple activity. This could include going for a short walk in the local area, watching their favourite TV programme together or simply conversing over a cup of tea in the garden. Some older people may not feel confident going far on their own, so having company can be a great help.

When it comes to sharing activities, care workers always respect the boundaries and personal time of their clients. Some clients may enjoy regular company while others may want more personal time on their own to enjoy their favourite activities. Some carers also support couples that may enjoy spending time alone together.

Last Call for the Day

A care worker may then help their client to cook dinner or they may remind a client to take their medication. They may help a client to the toilet or help them take a bath at the end of the day before going to bed.

Care workers often work long days and it’s important for them to unwind and relax at the end of the day to ensure they are ready for the day ahead.

Expert Hourly Care at Home

For over 80 years, Prestige Nursing & Care has been trusted by our clients to provide compassionate and bespoke home care across the UK. Our expertly trained carers can help you maintain your usual lifestyle and daily routines so that you continue living life your way at home.

The carer that will visit you at home will have completed our industry-leading induction training programme, which goes above mandatory requirements. We adopt a bespoke approach to training that ensures our carers have the knowledge, skills and aptitude to deliver high-quality home care that meets the needs of our clients.

Whether you would prefer a carer that pops in once a day or round-the-clock care and support, we will work with you to create a tailored plan of care that meets your needs and supports your lifestyle.

If you would like more information on any of our services, get in touch and we’ll be happy to talk you through your options.

We are here to take your call and will provide impartial support and guidance – contact our friendly care experts today to discuss your care needs.

0808 239 1525


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